Thursday, June 29, 2006


Ode To Kelly

This is a tough one. Kelly requested that we feature her today and, since most of my humor is borderline mean-spirited, I gotta' be careful. So, where to start? How about them boobies? Kelly's got a nice rack. Kelly's favorite smoke is a Fuente Double Chateau Natural. If you've ever said anything marginally humorous within earshot of Kelly, you probably think you're a candidate for "The Last Comic Standing". You're not. Most of the time Kelly times her laughter to the most inopportune moments when I'm on the phone.

Wife: "When are you coming home...dinner is waiting"

Me: "I'm just getting ready..."


Wife: "Oh, you're working really hard. The kids and I are eating now. (Click)

Just like the OnStar commercial, that was an actual conversation. Anyway, I think I did a pretty good job painting a picture of Kelly. Just wasn't sure what color the hair should be.

We can see what color her hair is (today)
The real question is.................

Does the patch match

Posted by: Harry Feltersnatch
You people have a real "sick" sense of humor. Jack Bauer "rocks" and I miss the Monday night action packed adventures and the episodes of "24" too. Next season will be in Chinese, so we will have to learn a knew language.
Patch or pelt????
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