Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Missing Princess K

It's quiet. Too quiet. Princess K is out of town and so is her infectious laughter. It's just not the same without her. Less cribbage. Less swearing. Less of everything that makes life worth living.

On the other hand...what a party last night...I'm sorry she wasn't here to enjoy it with us. The wine flowed like water and before you could blink an was after midnight. Old friends just kept coming through the door...and they wouldn't leave! First came the Davanni's...then the Tino's...then that big ass tray of Godiva Chocolates (Thanks Larry!). It took a while to clean up the joint...but it's looking good now. I think we've had enough parties for a while.

Thanks to all who make this "the place to be".

Sunday, November 12, 2006


The Cigar Jones Radio Hour

Man, that was a blast! Week One of the radio program is in the books. It had been 20 years since Mike and I were last on the air. But, just like riding a bike, it all came back after a few minutes. Of course, just when we were hitting our stride...the hour was over. Oh well, we'll do it again next week.

In other news, we solved the problem with the fridge...or created a problem...take your "pick". Note to self: Unplugging a refridgerator is a better way to defrost it than hacking away with an ice pick. You could accidentally hit the freon hose and cause quite a mess. In other housekeeping news, Princess K and I replaced the thermostat this morning. It was either too cold or too hot for too long.

That's it for sure to join us Saturdays at 6PM for The Cigar Jones Radio Hour...on 100.3...KTLK...The FM News/Talk.

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